Why register?

Well, first of all it will encourage me to continue development of TMLG, second you'll get a keyfile to get around these small things: Third, you'll automatically receive new versions by e-mail if you provide me with the address!

I know it's annoying, but if these constraints weren't there I doubt anyone will ever register, and I've be a lot of work into it!

How to do it

When you register you'll receive a keyfile to unlock TMLG. In case of new versions I will send these to your e-mail address if I've got the information.


   DKr: 150,-
   DM : 50,-
   USD: 30,-
   GBP: 16,-


I need the following:
   1) an e-mail (or snail) from you with name, address, e-mail address. and comments.
   If you have a handle (like I'm called draco), I'd like that too.
   2) The money. This can be done in two ways:
	  * Snail-mail, address below.
	  * Directly transfer the money to my bank-account. Please send an e-mail to
	  request whereto...

   Both ways: make sure I know where the money is coming from!

   You will then receive your keyfile and be registered as a paying customer :)

   You may also e-mail me in advance in case of any questions, comments etc.

Johnny Tidemann Nielsen
Lindegaarden 65
9400 Nr. Sundby
e-mail: draco@mail1.stofanet